Montrice Services

Naturally Nurtured Birth Services offers montrice services for clients planning an out-of-hospital birth or for those who wish to labor at home or at our labor center as long as possible before heading to the hospital. This service includes usage of our labor suite and birth pool.
A montrice is a birth attendant with assessment and clinical skills. We do not replace your OB or midwife.
A montrice is a non medical professional that is skilled at vitals such as blood pressure, fetal heart tones, palpating fetal position, cervical checks (upon request during labor), assessing labor progress, determining when to transfer to the hospital, newborn assessment, breastfeeding support, and antenatal education. A montrice does not perform these tasks at the hospital, offsite birthing center, or when the midwife has come to your home, unless the caregiver consents. A montrice does not make primary care decisions or diagnosis but can provide referrals.
You will receive all the typical support you can expect from a doula but with added clinical support from a trained montrice/midwife assistant.
At the arrival of your midwife, or if transferring to a hospital or birthing center, your montrice will assume the role of doula only. No clinical support will be provided. Your montrice is not a midwife and will not catch or assist in the birth without your provider present. While we believe in birth autonomy, if you have no birth professional available such as a midwife or OB, we will not be able to attend the birth event in it's completion.
Visits are usually 1 hour and include individualized education and discussion, encouraging a safe and healthy pregnancy.
Prenatal Visits
6 in office prenatal (18, 24, 30, 36, 38, and 40 weeks) visits include:
Birth Planning
Weight, temperature, blood pressure, fetal heart tones, position of baby, fundus measurement.
Recommendations and resources
We remain in contact by phone throughout your pregnancy
2 in home postpartum visits include:
Vitals and assessment of recovery
Weight, temperature and vitals check of baby
Breastfeeding evaluation and support
Recommendations and resources
We remain in contact by phone for up to 8 weeks postpartum